#18: Important Announcement

It's been decided that God's Disdain will not be receiving the tileset swap and will be sticking with the original RPG Maker assets.

The main downside to this is obviously that it will look very similar to other RPG Maker games. However, almost every other piece of artwork outside of the tileset graphics is completely original, or at the very least non-standard. Hopefully that will be enough to really give the game its own identity.

That being said, the decision comes with the massive upside of the game coming out a lot sooner. I won't be taking any extra time off just because this isn't happening anymore. Starting tomorrow, I'll begin my playthrough of the game to test everything I possibly can before getting the beta ready.

Just as a little treat, here are some screenshots from the game that can, for all intents and purposes, be considered (mostly) final! These have been added to the game's page as well.

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