Beta Test Applications Now Available!

The beta for God's Disdain is ready! If you would like to be a tester, please send an email to with your username and what you would like your name to be in the game's credits. Feedback will take place on the discussion board here on the page for the game.


  • Steam account
  • Windows PC (OS version 7+)


  • Bug reports
  • Combat balance feedback
  • General feedback
  • (Optional) Game session journals

You will be able to make content about the game (streams, videos, screenshots) as long as you clarify in a place that is clearly visible that the game is still in beta testing. For instance in your video title or stream layout. If you are streaming or posting videos anywhere, I'd love to know so I can pop in if I have the time!

Please include as much information as you can in your posts, and if you think it might contain something that is a spoiler please nest it under a spoiler. Patch notes will be posted in devlogs just like this one.

You will receive your Steam key for the game within the next couple of weeks. Please keep in mind that as the game is free, I cannot promise much in the way of incentive for testing and I understand that it might be a lot to ask. However, your name will appear in the credits if you provide any feedback at all!

If there are any more questions you have, feel free to reach out!

As a personal note, I couldn't be happier that this game is now getting to its final stages. It'll be 9 years of development once October 5th hits. I'm super excited to get God's Disdain in front of more people and hear all the fun, crazy, and broken things players experience!

In addition, there is a new trailer. It has been shortened from the previous one after receiving criticism that it was too long. There are a couple of new things thrown in too, so check it out!

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